
Miss Olena Gin (Goldy)
AQHA #4742737
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Nice bigger mare here with a lot of Doc O Lena!
We’re anxious to see how her colts grow out.

Genuine Shining Lena
AQHA #4882173
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She sports Shining Spark, Dry San, Bueno Chex lines and is just a nice kind mare.
We get good reports back on her babies!

Fox Made A Play
AQHA #4245144
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Excellent bloodlines here—Smart Little Lena and Freckles Playboy for grandsires!
This unshown mare’s dam (now deceased) produced offspring with over $60,000 NCHA earnings.

AQHA #5149062
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This nice roan mare goes to Grays Starlight on top and Smart Little Lena and King Fritz on the bottom.
Great attitude, friendly mare who sure produces nice babies with lots of snap.

Shining Play (Lefty)
AQHA #4787896
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This neat mare goes back to Grays Starlight on top and Smart Little Lena and Freckles Playboy on the bottom--no holes here!